

C.E.A Holidays for Year 2021 - 2022 
Dates Supervisor
8/18/21 1st Day of School
9/6/21Labor Day
11/11/21 Veterans Day
11/24-26/21 Thanksgiving
12/21-1/3/22 Christmas / Winter Recess
1/17/22 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday
2/21/22 President's Day
4/15/22-4/18/22 Spring Break/Recess
5/30/22-5/31/22 Memorial Day
6/10/22 Last Day of School
TK/Kindergarten and First Grade Sample Schedule
Time Monday - Tuesday - Thursday -Friday
8:00‐8:20 Morning Routine/Crenshaw Core Values
8:20‐9:15English Language Arts/Math
9:20‐9:35 Snack and Recess
9:40‐10:35 Math/English Language Arts
10:40‐11:40 Science/Social Studies and Wellness
11:45‐12:15 Lunch
12:20 - 12:40 Physical Education
12:45 ‐1:00 Silent Reading/Read Aloud
1:05 ‐1:25 Writing
 1:30 ‐ 2:30 Enrichment Programs (Quarterly rotation between Music, Foreign Language, Performing Arts, and Visual Arts)
2:35‐3:15 Study Hour: circle time, tutoring, small group instruction
Half a Day Schedule
Time Wednesday - Half a Day
8:00‐8:30 School‐wide Assembly
8:30‐9:35English Language Arts/Math
9:40‐9:55 Snack and Recess
10:00‐11:05 Math/English Language Arts
11:10‐12:20 Lunch
12:15 - 12:35 Physical Education
12:40 ‐1:10 Enrichment Programs (Quarterly rotation between Music, Foreign Language, Performing Arts, and Visual Arts)
1:15 ‐1:30 Circle Time and End of Day Review
 1:30 ‐ 4:00 Faculty Meeting and Professional Development
Second and Third Grade Sample Schedule
Time Monday - Tuesday - Thursday -Friday
8:00‐8:20 Morning Routine/Crenshaw Core Values
8:25 ‐ 9:30English Language Arts/Math - business math, computation, currency
9:35‐9:50 Snack and Recess
9:55 ‐10:40 Writing Workshop
10:45‐11:40 Science/Social Studies and Wellness
11:40‐11:55 Physical Education
11:55 - 12:25 Lunch
12:30 ‐1:35 Math/English Language Arts - public speaking
1:40 ‐2:15 Enrichment Programs (Quarterly rotation between Music, Foreign Language, Performing Arts, and Visual Arts)
2:15 ‐ 3:15 Study Hour: circle time, tutoring, small group instruction
Half a Day Schedule
Time Wednesday - Half a Day
8:00‐8:30 School‐wide Assembly
8:30‐9:35English Language Arts/Math
9:35‐9:50 Snack and Recess
9:50‐10:50 Enrichment Programs (Rotation between Music, Foreign Language, Performing Arts, and Visual Arts)
10:50‐11:55 Math/English Language Arts
11:55 - 12:15 Physical Education
12:15 - 12:45 Lunch and Recess
12:45 - 1:00 End of Day Review
1:30 - 4:00 Faculty Meeting and Professional Development
Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grade Sample Schedule
Time Monday - Tuesday - Thursday -Friday
8:00‐8:20 Morning Routine/Crenshaw Core Values
8:20 ‐ 9:25English Language Arts/Math - business math, computation, currency
9:25‐9:50 Enrichment Programs (Rotation between Music, Foreign Language, Performing Arts, and Visual Arts)
9:50 ‐10:00 Snack
10:00‐11:05 Math/English Language Arts, business training, business structure construction of a business
11:10‐11:55 Writing Workshop- writing proposal, business plan
11:55 - 12:15 Physical Education
12:15 ‐12:45 Lunch
12:45 ‐2:15 Science/Social Studies and Wellness- Business structure, construction of a business
2:15 ‐ 3:15 Study Hour: circle time, tutoring, small group instruction
Half a Day Schedule
Time Wednesday - Half a Day
8:00‐8:30 School‐wide Assembly
8:30‐9:40English Language Arts/Math
9:35‐9:50 Physical Education
9:40‐10:00 Snack
10:10‐11:00 Science/Social Studies and Wellness
11:00 - 12:10 Math/English Language Arts
12:15 - 12:45 Lunch and Recess
12:45 - 1:00 End of Day Review
1:30 - 4:00 Faculty Meeting and Professional Development