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Crenshaw Entrepreneurial Academy a California Department of Education approved Non-Public Agency. What does this mean?

The Crenshaw Entrepreneurial Academy Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP) provides a safe and therapeutic environment for abused, abandoned, and/or neglected boys. The program also services those who require supplemental support and guidance prior to returning home or to a lower level of care.
We welcome adoptive families seeking support for their children who may need structure and discipline that promote a healthy permanent reunification.

Recognized by counties and courts for our ability to proactively carryout programs that transform lives, CEA’s Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program employs innovative intervention techniques that focus on progress toward individual treatment goals. Psychiatric, medical, psychological, rehabilitative, and nursing services are part of our comprehensive program.

Our Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program offers constructive activities, positive role models, and instruction and sound values. It also includes the following intertwined components:

Living in a nurturing cottage environment, children experience a sense of belonging where the emphasis is placed on personal responsibility. Children learn skills enabling them to build and maintain healthy relationships with peers and adults by developing rational and effective ways of dealing with painful, stressful situations. Within this community of peers, all children learn to encourage each other’s success.